How To Get Silk In Ark : Survival Evolved

Get SIlk In Ark

Obtaining the silk on ark can have many benefits on your character, the silk is a scorched-earth resource that is mainly used to craft the desert cloth armor.

Best Ways To Get Silk In Ark : Survival Evolved

There are three ways to get silk on ark survival evolved :

1. Using Flour

There are two types of flour , either violet or white with red in the center and to extract the silk from them you will need to use a sickle , the sickle can be learned at level 30 and can also be used to extract fiber in large quantities from normal bushes .

2. Lemon Trees

The lemon trees are large like creatures that can be mostly found in desert areas , the silk itself as a resource can be used to craft tent whip and the desert cloth armor and also to repair it .

3. The Whip

While i think this is the fastest way to get silk in ark , i am also convinced that it’s not the best way to extract it .

First you’ll need to transfer your character over on the official non dedicated ark servers , you should be high enough level to make a metal sickle .

Now what you want to do is get moths , after doing that you should be able to obtain the silk easily .

Where To Find Silk In ARK ?

Ark Survival evolved is a pretty realistic game and its user experience can be seen as very realistic, there are numerous places to find silk, in this section we will show you where to get it in big quantities.

The best places to find silk in ARK Survival Evolved are:

1. Near the water

Ark Lakes

Usually in ravines and on crystal isles we find a ton silk in the desert , you can find some at 67.5 or 43.2 around the whole lake .
After that you want to head south towards the Griffon trench up , above is a huge silk deposit .

2. The Oasis

Not far from the griffon trench, Exactly on [73-49.5], this is probably the best ARK location of silk you will be able to find unlimited resources and quantities of silk in this place.

However, you need to always keep your eyes open, in the oasis danger is all around you, you can find wild animals or deathworms there that may harm you or also enemies make sure you know how to turn on and use your flashlight.

It’s a very frequented location, where you can find tribes that are using this place to gather their resources and may take advantage of the fact that you’re in there alone, so you want to stay aware of your surroundings.

3. Central River

This one has a small deposit of silk, however, it’s an easier spot to reach with your character and is very accessible whether you’re on foot or on your dino.

What I like about central river is that you will also be able to find species x and other important resources that are hard to be found on ARK survival evolved.

You can extract different types of precious resources from this place and you can also study the place for a base building.

4. Coppers Pink

Another Small deposit of silk that is accessible near the mountain you’ll find silk in small portions, but you’ll need to use clusters, you can also use the whip to extract the silk in this location.

These are the 4 best ways to get silk in ark survival evolved, however, there is an extra way to get silk that is not heavily mentioned in the ark community.

That is through harvest lime materials that are easy to find in Ark, you use a chainsaw that will provide you with very big quantities of silk.



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