How to Get Deathworm Horns In Ark Survival Evolved

As an Ark Survival evolved player you must be aware of all the most important resources in the game .

Similar to premium jerky , Deathworm horns are a powerful resource that can be used in multiple different ways to help you improve yourself in the game .

A deathworm horn in ark can be also found in multiple places and islands , can also be looted from bases and other players to help you to tame mantis .

This will give you the ability to make useful weapons like spears and pikes .

In This Article , we’ll talk about how to get deathworm horns in ark , where to find them and also exactly what to do with them  .

How To Get Deathworm Horns In Ark

Once you have chosen your best location find a hill or slope toggle your orbital camera on and sync it under the ground you should be able to see the creature model of the death worm inverted under the ground that corresponds to a rumbling sand pile .

To get deathworm horns in ark you must get close to the rumbling sand pile the death worm should pop out , all you need to do at this point is just hit it until it dies .

When hunting deathworms , the best thing you can do is to be ready for everything , especially in night you should turn on your weapon’s attachment and get ready to engage with any deathworm in your way .

Best Places To Get Deathworm Horns In Ark

There are different places where you can find deathworms in ark , however it will be better to target the places where you’re more likely to always find them and in big quantities also .


In ragnarok you can find death worms in two locations :

  • In the desert : in the southeast corner of the map you will be able to find death worms there .
  • In the frozen dungeon : exactly [30.9,37.8] where you will find death worms in big quantities so you can extract deathworm horns from them .

Scorched Earth

In scorched earth you can find death worms anywhere in the dunes along the edge of the map but the best spot to get deathworm horns in ark is north east of the green pillar .


All you need is a dough of icarus and to find these Deathworms on the island , The best location is lava island .
When you’re near lava island you will be able to find a lot of death worms just on the ground that are no threat to you and you can start extracting horns from them .

You’ll also need to keep an eye on the Shadowmane in Fjordur

How to Use Deathworm Horns In Ark

Tame Mantis : Mantis Preferred food is the Death worm horn which is obtained by killing death worms and then harvesting them in the inventory .

To Capture mantis you will have to put its preferred food in this case the death worm horn in your last action bar .

Replace Woolly Rhino Horns : Wooly Rhinos can be very difficult to kill in Ark and also very difficult to find compared to deathworms , that’s why you can use deathworm horns instead of them to facilitate the process and  to not go back to ragnarok or lava island to capture them .



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