Ark : How To Turn Cooked Meat Into Premium Jerky In 5 Steps

When Playing Ark and you’re trying to restore your lost points , Premium Jerky can be a great option.

The best thing about premium jerky is that it’s easy to prepare and it doesn’t require any special equipment

In this article , we’ll talk about some of the ways if how to turn cooked meat into premium jerky in ark in details so you can easily restore your points after an ark tribe war and get ready to interact with other Ark players and upgrade your character in the game .

To make meat jerky ideally when you’ve leveled up on ark survival evolved you’ll first need an industrial grill , to cook our meat we refrigerated to store the meat and a preservation bin to drive
a meat and turn it into jerky .

If you can build two grills next to each other so you can cook faster your meat that would be great . if you’re on a lower tech level you can make do with few campfires and a preservation bed .

But you won’t be making as much jerky you would do with your the setup.

We’ll take you now through the steps to turn cooked meat into premium jerky in ARK

Find The Best Meat

1. Gather The Meat

The first thing you’ll need to do is to kill large dinosaurs and gather a lot of meat , something big like t-rex is best because it can be killed fast and then move on quickly .

The best way to do this is by setting up some dino traps in the night , but you’d better use your flashlight attachment to clearly see your way in the dark .

It also gives you more prime meat when you wouldn’t get from a Regullar Dinosaur , prime meters are most important to get because you’re returning it to primary jerky .

Time To Cook The Meat

2. Cook The Fresh Meat

Now that you’ve got your meat it’s time to get back to your base as fast as possible because the prime meats inside the t-rex drops down to one minute 55 .

When in the base you’ll have a meat inside the t-rex still , it remains over seven minutes so you need to keep it inside your dinosaur as long as possible ;

When you’re back at the base cook it as quickly as you can .

That’ll extend its life and you will have lots of separate bits of meat , so if you try and move them over individually it will take a long time and lots of it will go off .

Use The Grill

3. Turn On The Grill

Now , quickly transfer over everything to you and run to your grill and start cooking transfer over to the grill and turn it on .

With spoiled counters ticking down we’ve got two grills so while that’s cooking we wanna put the meat in the other one , the meat should have cooked now in the first grill so we’ll go back to it
and put more in cooking the primary extends .

The Meat’s life is set up to 45 minutes but it’s all been bundled into one group , so it just spoil one at a time over Prime Meats being cooked now , but once it’s done that we’ll just carry on cooking in a normal raw meat .

Getting the prime taking it back to your base and cooking it can be frustrating a bit if you’re on a small timer and you’ve got to get it cooked before it goes off .

Protect Your Meat

4. Store The Surplus

After turn in on the grill , you need to store the surplus been cooked for normal meat for around 20 minutes and it will spoil one at a time because it’s a groom cooked prime meat .

Now last 45 minutes and again because it’s in a group it can live for one at a time to extend the meats life .

Use Your Refrigerator

5. Store The Meat

Even further , it’s now time for you to put the meat inside a refrigerator , you want to do this with all the perishables you’re not using but prime meat time is now extended to three days for each apiece to spoil and a normal meat is over a day for each piece .

You can make prime meat jerky and jerky Bofur at the same time , drag enough meat over so you can do that but when you move it over a timer revert back to what it was when we were carrying it , because
it’s not in a refrigerator anymore.

It’s best to have a good store of meat so you can constantly make jerky when you need to .

Turn Meat Into Jerky

6. Create The Jerky

Now it’s time for us to start making some jerky inside our preservations we’ll need some spark powder to fuel the bin and a supply of oil to create the jerky , when we have those inside the preservation bin just we’ll need to chug the meat over in there .

The prime meat lasts seven hours for each piece and a normall meat lasts around three .

All we have to do now is wait as it takes about one hour to make each jerky because of the small-timer shorter in the reservation is on a refrigerator .

It’s best to keep all your excess meat and fridge then just put it in a preservation , when we need it we can make use of it .

It could take us days to get jerky to make a kibble of a dinosaur , we want to take it as such a slow process so to get around that we could build many
preservation bins and we’ll start filling these up then skip forward a few hours .

Making a Jerky takes so long to make it’s best to set it up then leave it overnight , that way you know you can have a batch of jerky in the morning .
So you can use it to produce kibble which is a dinosaur superfood to help your tribe in ark .

Dinosaurs and fraction at the time as well as add 50-plus levels kibble makes taming so much easier .



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