How To Tame Shadowmane In Ark Fjordur

Tame Shadowmane In Ark

In ark, a shadowmane can be very helpful starting from combat protection to use them for transport purposes.
In this article, we’ll talk about how to tame shadowmane in ark fjordur exactly.
First, you going to have to go to the portal room because you can find them in Asgard, once you get to Asgard you’ll start looking at the terminal.

Once you get to Asgard looking at the terminal, you’re going to turn around look at
Penguin or karaoke and look at the big mountain over, you’re gonna fly in the direction to the purple treed
Shadowmane can be found in that area.

How To Tame A Shadowmane

Very different from taming a basilisk , shadowmane is tamed in a passive method which makes it a little easier for us , on top of that it’s favorite food is fish .

These are the best ways to tame a shadowmane :

1. Using A trap

I recommend a trap like getting them inside the trap and then trying not to aggro them once you’ve got them in the trap because obviously they can teleport .

Shadowmane will not eat premium jerky , it only eats fish and you need a fish basket for this .
I recommend using the cage if you’re playing on a server with building collision disabled , otherwise you just need to use fish baskets .
The best you can get is 1.5 and higher to tame it very effectively and very quick .

Once you have enough fish , i recommend checking dodo decks and the level of your shadowmane to make sure you have enough fish and the right quality you’re going to want to sneak up to the back of the shadow main and feed it.
Fish is exactly what you need to feed to a shadowmane to want it wants to sleep and to make it easy for you to tame .

After feeding it , it will go invisible using your light won’t be helpful in this case , it’ll walk off in a random direction , all you have to do is track it
By using your taming list tracker , and you’ll see where it’s gone .
Now you just have to wait for it to go to sleep .
This can take like two or three minutes , once you see it stops moving you can sneak up on it , approach it from the a good angle that , you don’t want to face its
tail or its face because otherwise it will see you even if you are wearing ghillie armor .

You want to always approach it from a good angle while it’s sitting down , if it has any like enemies , members of a tribe you’re part of or other dinos near around it try to
kill those before you engage with the shadowmane because if there’s any sounds of attacking nearby , it will wake up and if it sees
you and attacks you the attaining progress will reset .

However , it’s quite simple all you have to do is sneak up to behind it and just feed it until it’s tamed .

2. Using The Net Gun

Use your net gun on him and he will automatically lay back down instead of running around .
After that you’re going to leave the render range and run as far away as you can , this is going to save you a ton of trouble .
He is going to stay in that exact same spot and he’s not going to move at all .

What you need to do now is to wait for him to sleep and get close to without making any sound so you can tame it while it’s sleeping .

Where To Find Shadowmane In Ark

Shadomane is a very good creature that can be used in many ways , but is rearly found in ark and you need to know exactly where to find it .

Here are some locations where you’ll be able to find shadowmane :


Name Of The PlaceLocation
The Yellow Portal To The Grassland[59.6 , 50.2]
The Mountain Near The Purple Forest[58.8 , 47.6]
Inside The Forest[63.5 , 53.4]
Near The River[20.2 , 89.4]


Name Of The PlaceLocation
The Dark Lake[63.3 , 37.1]
The Yellow Forest[75.9 , 39.9]
The Big Mountain[63.7 , 41.1]

Lost Island

Name Of The PlaceLocation
Ice Wyvern[31.1 , 48.0]

How To Spawn A Shadowmane In Ark

In ark we find a lot’s of commands and codes that can be usueful for every purpose of the game .

Here is the Shadowmane ark spawn command code :

Shadowmane spawn code
Cheat gmsummon “lionfishlion_character_bp_c” 100

This command will mostly always work but may not work for some players that have different versions , in that case this one should work perfectly for you :

Shadowmane spawn Command
Cheat sdf lionfi 1 150



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