How To Use Artillery In Hell Let Loose

How To Use Artillery In Hell Let Loose

Artillery in Hell Let Loose is with no doubt the most destructible weapon and the most fatal one in the whole game , but very fun and effective especially if you’re using it when playing with your friend in a private Hell Let Loose Server , many HLL players try at every cost to avoid using it as they either don’t know how to use it , find it hard to load , aim and shoot at the same time or maybe they’re just afraid to accidently hit one of their allies .

No worries , because in this article we will show you the exact and the most effective way to use Artillery in Hell Let Loose to help you boost your kills rate and improve your level in the game .

The artillery on both sides is always located at the middle HQ.

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How To Use the Artillery In Hell Let Loose

Artillery in HLL can be used by one player who will then need to load the artillery and shoot it at the same time , or it can be used by 2 players and in that case one will load the artillery while the other one will be aiming and shooting at the enemies , in both cases the way to use the Artillery stays the same .

Here is a step by step guide on how you can use artillery in Hell Let Loose :


Use The Sniper Vision

Once you’re in approximately of the artillery you will need to press “F” , this will enable the sniper vision where you’ll be able to activate the long vision where you can perfectly identify your targets from a far distance .


Communicate With Your Teammates

A key step to being amazing with using artillery in Hell Let Loose is to have direct and efficient communication with your teammates who will have a far better vision than you of the enemy’s location .

This will help you to have a clear idea of the areas you should target and the ones you should avoid .


Use The Map To Setup Your Target

You’ve communicated with your teammates , they’ve given you the enemies exact location . Now , it’s time for you to mark that location using the map’s red dots .

Once you put a mark on the map and go back to your screen you’ll see a red arrow in your artillery sight that will give you a clear idea of the direction of the enemy and where exactly you would shoot .

In case you want to disable the red dots that you’ve marked using your map , you can do so by clicking on “T” .


Aim At The Correct Direction

Artillery Vision In Hell Let Loose

You can rotate the artillery in Hell Let Loose from the firing position by clicking on “A” to rotate it Left , and “D” to rotate it .


Make Sure Your Range is Accurate

You should by now having the enemies exact location and know how far they are from you .

To have a perfect  hit you’ll need to make the offset accurate as close as possible and for that you can use “W” to decrease the range and “S” to increase the range .

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By using all the tips mentioned in this article you’ll be ready to use artillery like a pro in Hell Let Loose .
Even if you’ve failed to exactly locate your enemies by a few meters , don’t worry cause the artillery has a 20M range in HLL , so even if you miss the hit by a little you’ll still manage to hit your enemies .  


How Long Does It Take For an Artillery Shelf To Hit The Enemy ?

After shooting using your Artillery in Hell Let Loose , it will take 24 seconds to hit your enemy , regardless of his position on the map .

How To Fire The Artillery Rapidly In Hell Let Loose ?

To rapidly fire using artillery in Hell Let Loose , you’ll need to press “A” , once the bar reaches 75% you need to start clicking the F1 tab .

This will also help to rapidly switch between the firing shelf and the loading shelf so you can fire more rapidly once you’ve located your enemies location .

How To Use Artillery In Hell Let Loose
How To Use Artillery In Hell Let Loose



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