How To Pee In Scum (Step-By-Step Guide To Urinate)

How To Pee In Scum

Scum is a very realistic game , the developers of the game made sure to make it realistic in a very detailed way .

Just like in real life , once you cook your food in scum , eat it and your body gets full , the non-necessary food needs to go somewhere and to pee in Scum is the best way to get rid of that non-beneficial food that is stuck on your body , especially when you’re playing on a scum server with your friends.

How To Pee In Scum ?

Peeing in scum may seem like an easy task , however a lot of gaming pros that have played the game found that learning how to urinate in scum was way more difficult then what they’ve thought .

Luckily for you , Here is a step by step guide to learn how to pee in scum :


Find The Safe Place

The main purpose of scum is to learn how to survive in the game and to that you always need to keep your eyes open .

When you’re peeing , this puts you in a very vulnerable position and to avoid any surprises from the enemies you’ll need a good place for you to pee .

The best places to urinate in Scum are :

  • The Forest
  • Mountains
  • Desert

Keep Holding The Tab button

Your second step will be to hold the tab button for a while , after that you’ll see a small menu that will appear on your screen .

Few options will appear and then you’ll need to go to the toilet tab .


Select The Piss Option

Peeing Menu In Scum

Now once you hover over the Toilet tab , this will automatically make 3 new tabs appear (Piss,Poop,Vomit) .

You will then select the piss tab and then you’ll notice that your character has started unzipping his pants and is starting to pee , all you have to do at this stage is to wait for your character to end .

Why Pee In Scum ?

As you start eating in scum you will notice your character will start filling up , which also means that he’ll get slower , less effective and more target-like .

When you’re close to engaging or fighting in Scum you need to be fit and ready for battle , this will be your only way of surviving and to do this you need to go to the toilet every now and then in Scum so that your characters don’t get filled .

By peeing , Pooping or vomiting you make sure to always let your character fit , in shape and ready for any confrontation .

How To Know When To Pee In Scum ?

By keeping an eye on your metabolism you’ll have a clear idea of when to pee in Scum , in the right corner in the bottom you’ll find an indicator of the colon volume .

Once your colon volume is more than 70% then it really starts to affect your character’s speed and performance , so it’s advisable to pee in scum once your Colon volume is between 50% to 70% .


To urinate in scum is one of the best ways for you to keep your character fresh and fit , when you’re running from a possible threat in the game you’ll want to be ready to run as fast as possible and when you want to confront it you’ll need to be as fit as possible .

Luckily , by following the steps we’ve mentioned in this step by step guide of how to urinate in Scum you’ll be able to pee in the best places possible and in the most effective time possible .

When it comes to pooping in scum it’s very similar to peeing , all you need to do is to follow the same steps mentioned in this article , by finding a perfect place for that , clicking on the tab button and choosing the pooping option .

There is no great difference between vomit , poop or pee in Scum as they all have the same purposes which is to help you relieve your character’s game .



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