How To Get To The Next Planet In Starbound

How To Get To The Next Planet In Starbound

Imagine soaring through a starlit expanse, discovering new worlds teeming with exotic life and hidden treasures. Starbound invites you on this thrilling adventure, but navigating the cosmos can be daunting. This guide will empower you to master interstellar travel in Starbound, equipping you with the knowledge and strategies to reach any planet you desire.

Starmap Navigation:

The Starmap serves as your trusty companion in the vastness of space. Understanding its functions is crucial for successful interstellar navigation.


  • Zoom and Pan: To traverse the galaxy, zoom in and out and pan across the Starmap. This allows you to locate your desired star system with ease.
  • Filter Planets: Narrow down your search by biome type, difficulty, and other criteria. This feature helps you tailor your exploration to your preferences and objectives.
  • Access Information: Click on a planet to learn its name, biome type, distance, and potential dangers. Knowledge is power, and the Starmap is your key to unlocking the universe.


Include screenshots or diagrams to visually highlight the Starmap’s features. A well-labeled image can help players familiarize themselves with the interface.

Step-by-step Instructions:

Guide the reader on locating planets and understanding their properties. Encourage them to experiment with filters and explore planets within their reach before embarking on longer journeys.

Accessing the Planet:


The teleporter is your gateway to new worlds. Understanding its purpose and operation is essential.

  • Left-click: Inspects the planet, revealing its secrets and dangers. This step provides valuable information before committing to travel.
  • Right-click: Initiates the travel process, launching you towards your chosen destination. This action propels you into the unknown, ready to explore.


Address potential issues such as teleporter malfunctions or unexpected delays. Provide solutions, ensuring a smooth travel experience for players.

Fuel and Resources:

Understanding fuel and its consumption is crucial for planning your journeys.

Fuel Importance and Consumption:

Explain the significance of fuel in relation to distance and travel time. Emphasize the need to balance exploration with fuel conservation.

Acquiring Fuel:

Detail crafting and purchasing options for fuel. Provide tips on resource gathering and efficient trading at Outposts.

Alternative Travel Methods:

Introduce Outpost teleporters and gateways as alternative travel methods. These can provide shortcuts or quick access to specific locations.

Optimization Tips:

Offer strategies for maximizing fuel efficiency. Encourage players to plan routes strategically and upgrade their ship for enhanced performance.

Additional Tips and Strategies:


Encourage players to upgrade their ship’s fuel capacity and engine efficiency. This investment pays off in smoother journeys and extended exploration capabilities.

Exploration Strategy:

Advise starting with nearby planets for resource gathering. This strategy helps players accumulate essential materials for longer ventures.

Surviving on New Planets:

Provide tips for dealing with hostile environments, including suitable equipment and defensive strategies.

Quests and Biomes:

Briefly mention exploring specific biomes and completing quests. This adds depth to the exploration experience and can lead to unique rewards.


Recap the key points of the guide, summarizing the main steps for traveling between planets. Motivate and inspire readers to explore boldly and discover the wonders of the universe.



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