How to Find Planets in Starbound : Step By Step Guide

How to Find Planets in Starbound

Starbound is a vast universe filled with planets waiting to be explored, each offering a unique set of challenges, resources, and adventures. Learning how to find planets in Starbound is essential for progressing in the game and discovering all it has to offer. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore all the essential steps and methods to help you navigate efficiently through Starbound’s infinite universe.

Using the FTL Navigation System

The FTL (Faster Than Light) Navigation System is your primary tool for traveling between stars and discovering new planets. To find planets in Starbound, start by accessing your ship’s dashboard and using the FTL Drive. Select a star in the current star system and press “Jump” to move to a new destination.

Exploring Neighboring Star Systems

When in a star system, don’t hesitate to explore the planets around you. Use the FTL Drive to reach other stars and keep searching for new planets. Nearby star systems might host planets rich in resources, dangers, or interesting quests.

Utilizing Teleport Pillars

Teleport Pillars are another convenient method for finding planets in Starbound. You can find them on certain planets or purchase them from NPC merchants. Place a pillar on an explored planet, return to your ship, and then use the dashboard to teleport your ship to that specific pillar.

Acquiring Coordinates from NPCs

Certain NPCs in Starbound can provide you with coordinates for specific planets. Interact with inhabitants of outposts, villages, and other locations to gather useful information about planets worth exploring.

Using Maps and Guides

Maps and guides can be valuable resources in your quest to find planets. Online communities and websites often provide detailed maps, coordinates, and guides to help you locate unique planets with rare resources or interesting features.

Identifying Planet Types

Understanding the types of planets you encounter is crucial. Different planets have different biomes, resources, and challenges. Pay attention to the planet’s appearance and use it to prioritize your exploration goals.

Utilizing Planet Scanners

Equip yourself with a Planet Scanner to enhance your ability to find planets. This tool can detect planets in nearby star systems and provide information about their characteristics, helping you decide which ones to explore.

Optimizing FTL Scanning

Optimize your FTL scanning by systematically exploring star systems. Scan each star and investigate the planets within the system. This methodical approach ensures you don’t miss any potential hidden gems.

Prioritizing Exploration Goals

Set clear exploration goals based on your needs and objectives. Whether you’re seeking specific resources, completing quests, or searching for unique biomes, having a plan will streamline your planet-finding efforts.

Sharing Exploration Findings

Starbound is a multiplayer game, and sharing your exploration findings with friends or the gaming community can be rewarding. Share coordinates, tips, and interesting discoveries to enhance the collective knowledge of the Starbound community.

In conclusion, mastering how to find planets in Starbound is a key aspect of the game’s exploration and progression. By using the FTL Navigation System, exploring neighboring star systems, utilizing Teleport Pillars, acquiring coordinates from NPCs, using maps and guides, identifying planet types, utilizing Planet Scanners, optimizing FTL scanning, prioritizing exploration goals, and sharing exploration findings, you’ll unlock the full potential of Starbound’s vast and diverse universe.



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