WotLK Healer Tier List Ranking : PvP & PvE (2022)

In Wotlk, healers play an important role in the game, but there are many different healing specs to choose from.

Whether you’re a Holy Priest or a Restoration Shaman, there’s a spec for you. This article will give you an overview of the top wotlk healer tier list ranked.

  • Resto Shaman : The Resto Shaman is one of the best healers in the game. His chain heal is particularly effective, as it can affect multiple targets at once. It is even more powerful when you combine it with a glyph, which makes it 20% more effective. The Resto Shaman shines in certain fights, such as PvP and raids. In addition to his heal, he can also use totems like cleanse and tremor to great effect.
  • Holy Priests : Holy Priests are surprising contenders for S-tier healing, largely due to their powerful toolkit. They have the ability to stack freely in a comp and excel at both spot healing and sustained throughput. In addition, they have considerable personal DPS, allowing them to take full advantage of abilities such as Benevolent Faerie and Power Infusion.
  • Holy Paladins : Holy Paladins are one of the most versatile healers in World of Warcraft. They produce massive heals and have very low mana cost. However, they have some drawbacks. For one, they need to use holy light to heal, and that means that their healing is only effective when they are stationary. Another problem is that they don’t have any hot spells. Although, they do have protection bubbles, which can be useful in certain situations.
  • Restoration Shaman : The Restoration Shaman is one of the most versatile healing classes in WotLK. This healer is good at both basic and deep healing, and also has increased healing power when targets are below 50 health. The guardian spirit talent will bring back any target with 50% health or less. This ability is useful for tanking, and also helps healers when the target is close to death.

Wrath of the Lich King Healing PvE Tier List

If you’re planning on healing in PvE, you may be wondering what your best choices are. There are a few classes to consider. Some healers are better than others for various scenarios, such as PvE or dungeons. Let’s take a look at each class’s tier list.

Healing specializations in WotLK include Restoration Shaman, Holy Paladin, and Restoration Druid. You may not have one of these specs, but they’re still viable. The S-tier represents the strongest healers in the current meta. Most guilds will want at least one healer in this tier. Some guilds may even recruit several of them.

A healer is one of the most important characters in the game. He can help you heal others and increase your DPS. Moreover, his tanking abilities can help you kill the most enemies in the game. Healers can be useful in PvP, PvE, and raiding. However, they aren’t the best choice for PvE.

A character’s defensive abilities will depend on the gear that they have. While some of the best healers can withstand damage, they can’t defend themselves unless they have armor. Similarly, a healer’s damage output depends on the gear that the character is wearing.

A character with high defenses and low defenses will be useless in the arena, while a healer with low DPS will simply be useless.

The tharassin’s glyphs improve their stats. This spell increases their ability to heal, which is good news for a healer in PvE. Another option is a tharassin with earthen leg armor and a ruin of reservoirs, which increases their skills in the arena. And don’t forget that trolls cannot run away from them!

S Tier

Restoration Shaman

Restoration shamans are very useful , they are an incredible healing class they bring tons of utility , they got mana spring wrath of air wind fury healing stream mana tide all amazing totems and they can also be cast at the same time in one gcd now in wrath the lich king .

Restoration Druid

When it comes to healing over time the first thought that comes to your mind should be resto druid .

A Tier

Holy Paladin

Holy paladin is one of the best healers in pve , they can offer bubbles , they have blessing of sacrifice , blessing of kings of mighty wisdom .

Discipline Priest

Priests in wrath of the lich king have new abilities and specifically discipline abilities.

First of all , they’ve got penance. This is a 12 second cooldown discipline at the end of the tree launches a volley of holy light at the target causing holy damage to an enemy or causing healing to an ally instantly every one second for two seconds so it’s a channeled spell .

B Tier

Holy Priest

What makes holy really stand out is guardian spirit , this is at the end of the holy tree you call upon a guardian spirit to watch over the friendly target. The spirit increases the
healing received by the target by 40 percent and also prevents the target from dying by sacrificing itself .


Wrath of the Lich King Healing PvP Tier List

The best healers in WOTLK are versatile, all-rounders that can be successful in any scenario. While all healers have some merit, some healers will shine in more situations than others. Here’s a list of some of the best healers in the game.

  • Holy Priests: The Holy Priest is an extremely versatile healer with an excellent healing toolkit that is highly stackable. They can handle both spot healing and sustained throughput, and their DPS is substantial. The Holy Priest also has some good PvP abilities, such as Benevolent Faerie and Power Infusion.
  • Discipline Priest: The Discipline Priest is one of the best healers in WotLK, although it is more challenging to play than Holy Paladin in 2v2 games. A Disc/Rogue team is one of the best 3v3 teams in the game, and they are both great options for 2v2 ladders.
  • Holy Paladin: The Holy Paladin is an excellent choice for a tanking healer. They have insane base healing, and they have multiple support abilities to boot, including protection bubbles and stances to prevent CC. They also have excellent crowd control, so they can be a formidable ally.

S Tier

Restoration Druid

Druids are equipped with great cc they’ve got cyclone which can be used to make an enemy immune to healing and mana regeneration if timed properly right before a big heal is going off you can cyclone them just they get immune to that .

Otherwise it’s just a great outright cc it’s one of the most powerful cc’s in the game because it can’t be dispelled and it has no cooldown so it’s very good .

It does have diminishing returns like all cc’s though druids , also have entangling roots which can be very annoying for melee classes or even classes which can’t dispel them and get caught in bad positioning .

Discipline Priest

Priests have pretty decent damage output as well and so they’re very viable in twos and threes , one of the main abilities that makes this possible is penance .

Penance will deal either holy damage to an enemy or heal an ally , it actually heals quite rapidly so you know timing this takes skill knowing when to use it .

To use it on an ally or an enemy if you’re going for a kill , a very high skill level required to play priest of course pain suppression is an incredible 40 damage reduction .
Cooldown power infusion is very useful, increasing spell casting speed by 20 .

A Tier


Shamans have a ton of abilities; they’ve got mobility and kiting through ghost wolf earthbind totem frost shock which is a 50 percent slow .

They’ve got great survivability because they actually carry a shield on their back. They’ve got male armor stone claw totem that actually protects your totems in wrath of lich king by giving them a 1k shield which is pretty nice and it helps from ghouls or hunter pets .

Getting rid of totems can be extremely fast they’ve got earth shield of course tons of different amazing totems , they got a variety of different heels whether that’s a big cast heel or an instant heel , they got healing shield earth living weapon healing shield being earth shield they’ve got a ton and on top of all of that .

They also have purge which is an offensive dispel , basically purges the enemy target ruling two beneficial magic effects which makes them very good in 3v3 and 5v5 .

B Tier

Holy paladin

Paladins are a bit lacking , the one main crowd control ability they have is hammer of justice , it has a 10 yard range so if you’re a bit careful with your positioning you can really zone out a paladin and not
let him ever get this casted on you the other cc that they have which we hardly consider cc is judgment of justice basically if you put on seal of justice and then judge that on an opponent , this will limit their movement speed so they can’t go faster than normal .

This will help if you’re chasing them could particularly be good on druids who get a lot of movement speed or maybe a rogue if you’re chasing them and they’re using sprint.
Overall the holy paladin is not the best pvp wotlk healer .



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